Thursday 4 October 2007

Nice, France 16 September 2007

The drive to Nice was another longish drive – I think it took 4 and half hours including stops. There was the most incredible mountain range on our left.
Nice itself is under a lot of construction and was just a large, concrete and dirt city. We had 2 rooms, each with a kitchenette and I was very lucky to have Matt cook dinner one night.

On the afternoon we arrived Matt and Belinda took a trip on the Petite train whilst I sorted out the internet, had a rest and a swim in the incredibly cold roof-top pool. Most of the photos of Nice are courtesy of Belinda (thank you).

I have to include the pool rules - too funny!

Reglement Interieur De La Piscine
(Swimming Pool’s Rules)
The swimming pool is reserved exclusively to our guests
Before entrance, please take off your shoes
It is obligatory to take a shower
Don’t smoke and no shimming-gum (note that shimming-gum is chewing gum in the French version!)
Don’t spit
No food
The bather with allergic germs are forbidden
Children under 12 must be accompanied
If you don’t respect all these rules, you will be expulse definitively of the swimming pool
The management

Night view from the Swimming pool on the roof...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh gorgeous!