Thursday 4 October 2007

Out of Order - 3rd October 2007

I know some of the blogs are out of order but I am slowly catching up - the next post will be from Italy which was only 2 weeks ago!
Adam has arrived in Germany! Frankfurt Airport is a very confusing and inefficient plance and in the end I was an hour late finding him but eventually we found each other.
Belinda and Matt should have arrived home about 6 hours ago.
Adam and I are staying in Baden-Baden in Germany and it is beautiful, we leave tomorrow for Zurich, Switzerland.
Today we went for a drive and spent the afternoon in a lovely city called Strasberg which is in France - about an hours drive from here. Well, the GPS said it was an hour - I don't think it took that long! We hired a car for a couple of days (we are on the train from tomorrow) and ended up with an upgrade to a Mercedes E class, well with all that power and safety and no speed limits the car just needed to be driven LOL. Adam got to about 220, which is pretty good since he is sick, jet-lagged and had been driving on the right side of the road for about 25 minutes! I, of course, had to do more and hit 240 (maybe 245) and then just cruised along at 230km. LOL In Australian terms it sounds completely stupid, I mean I only managed 185 on the straight at Phillip Island during the driver training, but here it is no problem. All cars keep right unless overtaking and they are expecting people to go fast. From what I have heard, 260 is not that unusual. It is the wierdest feeling to be sitting on 170 or so, rapidly passing cars on your right, only to have another car fly past you on the left, leaving you in their dust. The funny thing is the cars that are pottering along are doing 120 and even the bomby cars and minivans sit on 170km. It is pretty amazing what cars are actually capable of - we would never imagine that some of these cars can do more than 60km per hour. And, well at home, if you are doing 120 anywhere you are speeding.
Definitely could live in Germany, even if just to drive places - might take up working so I can drive there each day - nah!
Love and Hugs,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG Chel, you are giving me a heart attack girl! Yes, the cars can go that fast BUT do you know what happens when something unexpectedly goes wrong? We simple humans can't match technology in our ability to contol a vehicle much above 12okms (depending on your physical limitations) and the human body doesn't have any chance of survival in an accident at that speed. Please drive slower and enjoy the scenery...