Tuesday 2 October 2007

Marseillan Plage, French Riviera

Well I had to have my princess side firmly in control in order to deal with this place. In Marseillan Plage we were staying in a cabin in a holiday resort (caravan type park) and it was so little! It was actually fine, although I did consider it might be necessary to have a princess tantrum at one stage LOL.
We had our first paddle in the Mediterrean. Don’t believe what they say – it is COLD! Matt loves the beach so much that it made no difference to him – he swam anyway.

We had our first paddle in the Mediterrean. Don’t believe what they say – it is COLD! Matt loves the beach so much that it made no difference to him – he swam anyway. Matt and I checked out the pool, and even Belinda gave the waterslide a go. We had to go down to the bar to use the wifi – such a drag…

On laundry night we played table soccer whilst we waited for the washing.
It was a lovely 2 nights here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chel

Holiday Resorts are not the same as Caravan Parks they are much classier and you pay alot more for per night in a holiday resort. I think that the onyl difference.

Luv Lauren