Friday 19 October 2007

Disney Studios & Disneyland, Paris - 13 October 2007

It just wouldn't be a holiday with Adam with a theme park so after a long walk through Paris we ticked off the cultural tasks and moved onto fun.
As we had both been before we were able to get a 2 park, 1 day ticket as we knew exactly what we wanted to do in each park. We started at Walt Disney Studios as our absolute favourite ride is there and I hadn't done this park with Belinda and Matt. The ultimate ride here is the Aerosmith Rock'n'Roller Coaster - a really fantastic rollercoaster to blasting aerosmith (which helps distract you from the upside down feeling sick feeling) LOL
The other ride we liked in this park was a new one since our last visit - Crucher's Coaster which is based on the Nemo movie. Basically you ride the rapids of the eastern Australian ocean currents. Despite the many warnings, it was only the second to last 10 seconds where I had to close my eyes and concentrate on not being sick LOL - great fun!
It actually only rained under the umbrella - quite difficult to do a pose and not get wet.

Walt Disney studios is smaller than Disneyland itself, probably about the size of Movieworld on the Gold Coast.
This year is the 15th anniversary of Disneyland Paris. We took a break between parks and had lunch in the Disney Village (an area outside the parks with gift shops, restuarants and other entertainment). We decided not to have a balloon ride, although we saw it up in the sky from a distance a few times.

To my delight there was a Halloween theme on in the Disneyland Park, this was new from my last visit...

It was much busier than my ealier trip but we knew what we wanted to see so the extra people didn't really make a huge difference.

This is the easiest roller-coaster type ride at Disneyland (except the one in the kiddy area which closed early so we missed it - oh well, next time). This is a favourite of ours...
Although the queue was quite long this time... My first ride on autopia was in September with Belinda and Matt, it was great to have another chance with Adam... Ironically, Autopia has nosiy petrol engines and a traffic jam at the end!

The park was open late (until 10pm) and it was great to see the park at night. Unfortunately, I left my second battery charging at the hotel so my photo opportunites were limited.
We also rode on Space Mountain 2, Buzz Light-year and Pirates of the Carribean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chel.
By your itinerary you should be back home now. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog and checking out your great pics.
I know you had a wonderful time. My turn next year I've decided. Maybe not for quite as long as you but hey, who cares LOL