Friday 19 October 2007

Paris by night, France - 12 October 2007

We arrived late in the afternoon and with only a short stay I was keen to take Adam on a walking tour. We were staying close to the Bastille, a different side of Paris to last time, so there were things neither of us had seen.
Our short walk took hours and wasn't really all that short!
For those of you who know Paris, the following will give you a sense of just how far we walked - largely in the dark and sometimes in the rain!
We were staying on Boulevard Voltaire and so walked up to the Place de la Nation...

then to Place de la Bastille...

From there we headed over Pont Marie to small island on the Seine. After a short wander we crossed the Pont St Louis onto the larger island, home of Notre Dame. Again, the Monument de la Deportee was closed but we walked up the Seine besides Notre Dame, which Adam had only seen from a bus last time. From there we headed accross Pont au Double to Boulevard Saint Germaine. We wandered along here for a short time before wandering into the side streets which are much more interesting. After a quick stop for a photo below (I will have to find the guidebook to remember what this was) we crossed the Seine again and were at the Lourve.

From here we walked through the Tuilleries where I took this photo of the Tour Eiffle...
I wanted to get up to the Place de la Concorde but most of the Tuilleries were closed so we had to take the street. But we did arrive...

After this we walked through Place de la Vendome (location of the Ritz, where Diana spent her last night, and the most exlusive shops in Paris), past Place de la Opera, up the Boulevard des Italian to Bolevard MOntmarte and to Porte St Denis which marked the end of the street where we would find our restuarant for dinner.

Out of habit I think we walked home from here, quite a long way. And as we both forgot to go to the toilet before we left it was a long sprint in the rain to get back to the hotel. LOL

Of course, there was one stop on the way home at Place de la Republique but the photos didn't really work out.

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