Tuesday 18 September 2007

Chateau of the Loire - Amboise

The town of Amboise...

A giant Playmobile man...
This Chateau was weird – or more to the point the people were strange (I mean the current living people) - the actual rooms were lovely. You weren’t supposed to take any photos at all so it was quite fun taking them in secret. There seemed to be no real reason not to take any, we made sure we didn’t use the flash. It was a good thing we took them because not even the guidebook includes the rooms (although you can buy them on individual postcards). The people here were mostly grumpy but the view was fantastic. There was one particularly odd man, wearing what were definitely home made shorts and children’s jewellery – a coloured, plastic beaded necklace and pretty coloured hair clips. We really weren’t sure what to think about him. Despite it being juvenile and naughty we really couldn’t help giggling every time we spotted him somewhere. I think we were just looking for something to brighten the otherwise grumpy atmosphere. This was also the home of the WORST toilet so far – the smell was so bad that I was actually gagging. Needless to say, I went from ‘busting to go’ to ‘I can hold on’ quite quickly! LOL


Anonymous said...

Wow, Chel, you have been busy (and you are looking fantastic btw).

Your pics are wonderful and only make me more desperate to visit Europe.

Re not taking photos inside, it sometimes sounds a bit off when they ban all photos but I think the reason is that the light fromthe flash can degrade the materials and, whilst they could say no flash photography, if you've ever been to Phillip Island's Penguin Parade, you'll know just how ignorant and selfish people are when you see the flashes popping off and scaring the life out of the poor little penguins. If people can be that stupid around living creatures, imagine how they'd be around inanimate objects. Therefore, more and more places are saying no photos altogether. They expect people to be sneaky (I'm all for what you did btw) but also expect that they won't use flash so it kind of serves their purpose I guess.
Paris Disneyland looks so much like the one in Anaheim.
Glad you are having a wonderful time and keep those photos coming.

Chel said...

Hi Pam, thanks for your comments. I assumed the no photography was a light thing too, thankfully all the rooms were well lit so a flash wasn't needed anyway. It is the almost only place in France where that has been an issue (there are one or two churches with original paintings on the actual walls which are 800+ years old and fading. Adam always says the Mona Lisa at the Louvre is a fake as there is a no flash sign but half the people there flash away anyway.
Disneyland Paris is much like Anaheim - the main difference being the Indiana Jones ride which is fantastic in Anaheim and sucks in Paris LOL.