Friday 3 August 2007

Popping in...

So sorry it has been so long - got the dreaded winter flu, at least 4 versions of it at last count, and it has kept me away from achieving anything much!

A few updates ... less than 2 weeks before I leave, am feeling excited. I've started packing, well the easy stuff - I have no idea how I am going to get everything else to fit.

As of this morning I have officially lost 30kg! Wow that looks big LOL. I have been clothes shopping for the trip and am still surprised everytime I try on a size 12 and it fits LOL. I really can feel the difference, even if I haven't quite adjusted my perception of my size. I still look at all the extra weight still hanging on me and wonder how I ever had 30kg more on, but a quick look at a picture from last year and I can see it. I still have almost 8 kg to go (off my butt, hips, thighs and arms hopefully), hopefully I will stay on track whilst I am away.

I have promised a few people some weight loss tips on the blog. Being sick is my excuse for not getting them done.

This is just a quick hello ... I will try and write again in the next few days.
Hope you are all well, keep smiling.
Love and Hugs,


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the weight loss Chel. I'm finding the motivation very difficult as my weightloss is soooo slow. However, at least I haven't put any on again.

I'm thinking I'm probably not in the right frame of mind atm. So just trying to focus on changing one habit at a time. Over time I hope it makes a bigger difference.

ie. Only drinking water or diet soft drink and knocking out the daily chocolate fix. Funnily enough, since I've reduced my sugar intake without the choc, the rheumatoid arthritis I have developed in my finger joints has stopped aching.

Have a wonderful time on your trip and don't pack too much 'cause you have to carry it all.

Anonymous said...

Only a couple of days to go before you leave. Hope you have a wonderful time and don't you dare forget to blog and make us all jealous with your great pics.

Anonymous said...

WOW that is FANTASTIC Chel!! I am so happy for you and would love to hear your tips and advice!
Chocolate is my downfall and have been munching whilst reading blogsd :(
Hope your trip away is fantastic, the flights sound pretty uneventful, the shower - interesting lol Hope you dried off enuf to enjoy the rest of the trip
Jen H