Wednesday 15 August 2007

Hello From Tokyo

At least that is what I think this says - LOL.

I have logged on in the airport lounge and everything is in Japanese so I am pressing buttons at random and trying to remember what the blog page looks like. I think this is the "write a blog" page - I guess I will find out LOL

Flights were uneventful - 2 more to go. Beautiful day outside, it was hot already when we got off the plane about 6am. Then spent 40+ minutes waiting for the transfer bus and another 30 looking for the shower room (that was with the help of a map). There were about 6 of us - we kept bumping into each other as we tried to work out what the map said. Even the airport staff had no idea LOL. At least it killed some time while everything was starting to open.

Just realised that Lauren (my sister) is going to have to do without her traditional can of coke from wherever I go - except if I plan ahead - I guess there is a first time for everything. With the new travel rules you can only purchase duty free (liquid especially - and yes, I am cheap, usually pick up her can from the free airport lounge LOL) on your last leg of your flight as anything over 100ml has to be checked into your luggage. One lady didnt realised and had purchased something in Sydney and it caused all sorts of problems in security here.

Anyway, better sign off - want to find a warm spot to stand to dry my top before I get back on board. Yes, I managed to have a shower but in my usual confusion I packed cleanser and soap and clean socks! So all set for a shower, if I was happy to put on clothes I had already lived in for 24 hours. So I decided a shower with dirty clothes was better than no shower and then tried the wash and hand dryer technique with some of the clothes - the result is less than successful. So now I smell better (I have another 15+ hours before I reach the final stop) but am somewhat damp - looks like I have been sweating horribly LOL

Love and Hugs, will sign on from Manchester.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It all came through A OK Chel. Well done.

The new security requirements at the airports are a pain in the proverbial but the alternative is much worse.

I'm sure she won't mind a few less cans of Coke.

I hope you dried in time and had a comfortable last leg of your onward journey.