Wednesday 26 September 2007

Out of contact

Sorry there have been no posts. We are staying at a beautiful place in Ligure, Italy, about 10 km inland from Sestri Levante. We are about 500m above sea level and the disadvantage of somewhere so rural and beautiful is limited ommunications. We are off to Switzerland tomorrow and whilst I am not sure we iwill have internet tomorrow night I believe we do the following so watch out for lots and lots of pictures and postings.
Hope you are all well - I love receiving yur news.
Love and hgs,
PS Sorry about the typing completely crap and dirty keyboard - going to wash my hands now LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL re washing your hands. I can completely relate because when we used the internet cafes in China, I had disinfectant wipes on hand for exactly that purpose LOL.

Look forward to reading...and seeing more.

Still VERY jealous but rapt for you having such an adventure.