Thursday 6 September 2007

Just no time... (Leeds Castle)

It is clear that I simply cannot maintain the detail I started blogging with. As each day passes there is so much to share and I am just too tired - so here begins a pictorial diary - it will have to be enough.

These are pictures of Leeds Castle, Kent, England. More information can be found on their website

The castle itself only takes a hour or so to walk through but you could spend hours in the gardens with the avairy, walks, lakes, maze, grounds and areas to picnic.

Bascially, the castle is 900 years old. Most of the grounds as well as extensive renovations is the result of the work (and money) of The Hon. Lady Baillie (1899 - 1974) an American Heiress who eventually left the grounds and castle to the public. You will see most of the photos below are from rooms where she lived. The library was so soothing - I could have stayed there all day.

This is the motor way and on the right is the Eurostar rail which travels from London to Paris under the Channel via a tunnel.
The train journey is very quick, I didn't even realise I had been through 'THE' tunnel until I realised the advertising on a building was in French. I travelled on the train on Saturday 1 September to meet Belinda, Matt and Klaus in Paris.

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