Thursday 23 August 2007

Quiet Days

Yesterday, my last day in the Manchester area, I decided to try the library in Bolton and see if I could get any further with the Haslam family history. The most exciting thing I found was the building! Although I did find a map of all the old villages, a very useful tool.

It seemed quite funny but the library building is also the museum and the aquarium! And, it even has an Egypt exhibit. I have to admit though, after looking through some of Sandra's photos from her recent trip to Egypt, it seemed a sad little room. It did have a mummy though, and its pretty amazing to have an Egyptian exhibit in a minor city.

The museum building curved around the road, although I don't think it was all the museum. The Town hall (building with the clock, below) was accross the road.

After 3 hours in the library with no result, it was time to meet Rama, Dan's sister.

The afternoon was relaxed - we went shopping, I purchased a skirt I had seen almost a week earlier and a Boost Juice. Yes, Boost now has franchises in other countries. Sorry to say it tasted awful LOL

I had a lovely dinner with Rama and her husband, Andrew, before popping home to say goodbye to Dan and Lauren.


It took a while to get organised this morning, I am quite concerned about how much room the suitcases take up in the boot - I wonder if I can hire a trailer - might need one in France! LOL

I felt the 300 km drive to Cambridge today. It was a beautiful morning, the nicest day since I've been here, but I was kind of relieved that it had started to rain by the time I reached Cambridge as it gave me time to check in my room and stay home. A good chance to catch up with the blog (it really takes so much time). But it is good to get it down, and keep the photos under control.

To leave a comment just click on 'comment', I love receiving your messages. If you can't find the button, then my email address still work.

Tomorrow, I will probably look around some villages in the Cambridge area, where another branch of the family is from before heading over to Woodbridge and a visit with Cousin Olive.

Its now morning Australia time, so have a great day all - sleep time for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do appreciate you taking time out to blog Chel. Your posts are wonderful and you have the bonus, that once you get home, you can have your posts printed into a book and have a wonderful travel journal complete with pics.