Saturday 18 August 2007

Manchester City

Lauren took me into Manchester for yet more shopping! I did need the case (really!!), and I managed to find perfume for my sister (DKNY Women apparently no longer imported in Australia), Lauren. It is only confusing written as Lauren here is Loren and Lauren at home is Lawren - bet you are all glad you know that now. I guess it doesn't help when you are reading it. I am staying with Lauren (Loren) and Dan here in Manchester. Dan is Adam's cousin. It is their window I took the picture of the rainbow from. Charli, the dog and Oli, the cat also live here. Hmm, let me run out and get a picture of their house...

For some reason I remembered Manchester as being quite industrial but the city centre is quite pretty. There is a mix of old and new buildings. The photo below are facing one way and then the other - some of the streets look completely different depending on where you look.
The statue in the pictures below is of a man called Cobden. He was an interesting and influential man who lived in the 1800s. More information can be found here.
I didn't get a picture of the town hall as we were just driving past but it was a beautiful building. There are some pictures here - I would love to go exploring inside.

I will have to experiment with posting the pictures, and maybe read the manual to the camera. Most of the photos seem very dark, I assumed auto would fix that but apparently not - oh well, I guess I will have plenty of time to practise.

Until next time, keep smiling.
Love Chel

PS Sorry about the placement of the writing - I've spent half an hour on it already! argh! LOL


Karen said...

Hi Chel
Great to see that you got there safely and that you are having a great time
Love the photos, keep them coming, its like I am there too
Have a great time
LOve Karen

Anonymous said...

Chel, it might just be your computer monitor that needs calibrating (read my blog about my related dramas) so don't worry too much.

If you are shooting in RAW it will be much easier to fix (do you have the ability to shoot RAW and small JPG's at the same time 'cause you could save the RAW for editing later and the small JPGs for sharing online).

Either way, your photos are looking pretty good so if they need any adjustments to exposure it shouldn't result in too much of a loss of quality.