Wednesday 29 August 2007


It took an hour to get back to Easton from the Ipswich Records Office, due to a little extra traffic and TomTom playing games (I went around and around a very large block looking for a petrol station which I don’t think has been there since 1950). But eventually I got home...

After dinner, Olive took me for a walk around Easton, her village in Suffolk. The sun was just starting to set...
It was a lovely walk, the countryside representative of the parts of Suffolk I have seen so far. I don’t know if you can really see in the picture but the black dots are hundreds of birds coming in to roost.
Easton had been part of the estate of Lord Hamilton, it was he who built the crinkle wall (I don’t know if you can tell from any of the pictures but it curves in and out). We walked past the church (you can only see the tower from the road), the vicarage, the agent’s house, the pub, a few houses and on the way back - the school house (built in 1832). Some of the pictures are from the following days as it was too dark on the night. A view of the village...

There are 4 round houses built on the estate, the first picture is an example of one. Then, farmland, just around the corner, the school house, the main road, the vicarage & agent's houses, the pub, the church and Lime Tree House.

And that is Easton Village.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and it looks like lovely weather too.