Friday 17 August 2007

Another Day in Manchester

We went shopping at the Trafford Centre yesterday. The centre is huge, and they put so much effort into the design - really something to see. I wish I could have taken a photo of all the shoes they sell here - my goodness, wierd and wonderful doesn't begin to describe it LOL - all different fabrics and designs and colours, definitely different!

I did see one skirt at Marks and Spencers, would be fantastic for winter in Australia - I just don't know how long it would fit for... I guess the disadvantage of losing weight is you don't know what size you'll be when you finish so it is hard to plan your wardrobe ahead of time. It didn't look like it would be easy to take in either so I didn't buy it but I am still dreaming about it so maybe I should have?

I am going luggage shopping at the Antler factory today. I am looking for a carry on type bag on wheels with a spot for the computer and another for a change of clothes, toiletries and other onboard stuff. I can see the upcoming problem will be what to do with all the bags LOL.

On another note, before I left home, I saw a mini-series drama type documentary on the Impressionists. It really explained well Monet's attempts to catch the effect of changing light on a landscape. I have been sitting in bed this morning, on the phone to Adam, watching the sun rise and I could really understand what he (Monet not Adam) was so excited about it. There is a lot of cloud out there today, but how the different light bounced of buildings, hills and tress as the sunrise colours peaked through the clouds and how the morning light continually changes is amazing. It gave me a completely different sense of what I was looking at, changing the mood and colours of the town and landscape. These 2 photos were taken 30 seconds apart from the same location (slightly different directions). Can you see the rainbow?

So far, I have been eating well but I am desperate for a walk, I need to stretch my legs and get my body moving. I should have packed a pair of tracksuit pants or something for exercise - mental note for next time - but there is only so much luggage you can take, especially when you are moving around a lot. I guess the trick is finding the right compromise of what you really do need and what will fit in the suitcase. I am trying to pay attention to what I am using and what would have been useful to have and writing it down. I don't travel often enough to remember what I learned from last time. Travelling where it will be warm and cold does make it more difficult to travel light.

Have a great day/night - wherever you are in the world. For those who have left a comment, thank you, I LOVE receiving them. Please can I ask that if I don't know your blog name that you leave your name so I know who you are (Who is Slender Octopus?)...
Until later, love and hugs, Chel


Tamara said...

Hi Chel!

Am here following/stalking your travels :)

Tamara :)

Anonymous said...

How appropriate, I am handing in my first assessment for this semester "Creating mood with light" LOL.

It really is amazing what we find when we take the time to look.

Reading on...