Tuesday 10 July 2007


Elisa said...

Way to go Chel, what an awesome effort from an amazing woman.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chel. I'm very sad today after a GP appointment and the stark realisation (no more making excuses) that my weight is definitely a factor in my back problems. Of course, I already knew that but it's easy to kid myself that it is only a small part. Really, it is but it is still a contributing factor which I HAVE to deal with. Noone knows how much I weigh because I am so embarassed that I've eaten myself into this state. I soooo relate to the shopping side of things. I used to love clothes and looking nice but now, I get around in track pants for comfort and am too embarassed to leave the house because I look like such a slob. I've heard of TOWN before but out local group doesn't allow for shiftworkers which makes it a bit difficult. However, today is the first day of the rest of my life and I have to make the choices for it to be the life I want.

Thanks for sharing your journey.

Karen said...

What an amazing story and HUGE CONGRATS on the weight loss.
Way to go girl
I have also heard of TOWN
I have rejoined the new gym here in Craigieburn tonight in my first step to a healthier me
Just hope I am as successful as you as I am sick to death of the dieting/weight yoyo

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chel!! I am very proud of you and your "I can do it" attitude. Only good can come from this, for you. You inspire me and I am sure others who have a problem with the commitment side of it all. Keep up the great work. Your Friend Debbie