Tuesday 5 June 2007

Welcome Weary Travellers!

This is my first foray into the world of blogging so grab a drink and a comfy seat while I figure out how it all works.
Let me introduce my main companions ... there is Muscles

And, of course, Adam

And I guess I should include a picture of me...
well you'll just have to wait for that ... it is coming - eventually!

Adam has been suggesting a blog for years. What finally motivated me to start is my trip to Europe starting on August 14th 2007. My cousin Sarah and her hubby Clive kept a blog (sarahclive.blogspot.com) while they were travelling last year which I really enjoyed reading, so thought it was worth a try.

Travelling through time was Adam's idea - and a great one, as I can include my genealogy under that title. The original plan for this holiday was a major genealogy trip but now it is a little family history and a lot holiday! Hopefully, I will get a sense of travelling through time as I find the houses and villages that my ancestors came from. Somehow, despite being 8th generation Australia, all my ancestors basically come from the same place England (with a couple of Scots and Irish).

I will try and make post or 2 before I leave - if only to practise.

Chat soon.
Love Chel


Anonymous said...

WooHoo Chel
Well done on the blog
Cant wait to read about your travels
Have heaps of fun and take lots of pics
Hope to catch up soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Chel,

Good on you for starting a blog (and good on Adam for encouraging you). I'm looking forward to reading about your European vacation despite my extreme jealousy (it's somewhere I desperately want to go - I will - eventually).
I agree with Karen take heaps of pics - and make sure you upload some to your blog so we can be even more jealous LOL.
Even though I had my laptop, I was so glad I had my Epson 5000 to store my photos on while in China recently. It made it easier when I had to use an internet cafe to connect via USB and reduce some of the pics to put online in my blog. Not to mention the fact that I took 20G of photos LOL

Elisa said...

wohoo chel....good on you for blogging and we all can't wait to read about your holiday....