Tuesday 5 June 2007

Welcome Weary Travellers!

This is my first foray into the world of blogging so grab a drink and a comfy seat while I figure out how it all works.
Let me introduce my main companions ... there is Muscles

And, of course, Adam

And I guess I should include a picture of me...
well you'll just have to wait for that ... it is coming - eventually!

Adam has been suggesting a blog for years. What finally motivated me to start is my trip to Europe starting on August 14th 2007. My cousin Sarah and her hubby Clive kept a blog (sarahclive.blogspot.com) while they were travelling last year which I really enjoyed reading, so thought it was worth a try.

Travelling through time was Adam's idea - and a great one, as I can include my genealogy under that title. The original plan for this holiday was a major genealogy trip but now it is a little family history and a lot holiday! Hopefully, I will get a sense of travelling through time as I find the houses and villages that my ancestors came from. Somehow, despite being 8th generation Australia, all my ancestors basically come from the same place England (with a couple of Scots and Irish).

I will try and make post or 2 before I leave - if only to practise.

Chat soon.
Love Chel